******* Design and build bespoke integration solutions for highly ambitious enterprises using the Boomi Platform. ******* * Empower clients to use Boomi at its full potential by establishing Centers of Excellence (COE) for integration. * Analyse the functional and quality requirements of integrations. Consult with stakeholders to refine User Requirements. * Design high-level solution and create proof of concept assessments for critical functionality. * Strive to embed best practices, reusability and maintainability into solutions. * Deliver agile and incremental functionality allowing for continuous integration testing. * Design scalable architectures for failover and high availability while meeting the performance/quality requirements. .


  +41 (0) 767 515 550

  Sonnenbergstr. 18
Sarnen, Obwalden 6060 Switzerland

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Sonnenbergstr. 18
Sarnen, Obwalden 6060 Switzerland
Phone: +41 (0) 767 515 550


BUSINESS CHALLENGE: Many companies love Boomi’s ability to deliver so they invested significantly in it’s use. Sophisticated enterprises also have demands for control to operate the assets already built. Integration services must respect Service Level Agreements or SLAs. Failing to meet the SLAs, can result in loss of reputation or revenue. - How many executions do we have? - Can we deploy more processes? - How many more can we deploy before we reach resource constraints? - What is the average execution time? SOLUTION DESCRIPTION: The Boomi Monitoring Solution has two parts: Data Collection Data Presentation. Data Collection is done every minute. Data points are persisted over a long period of time to provide insight and trends for the future. Some of the data points are: CPU, RAM and Disk usage, thread counts, number of running executions and average execution time. Data Presentation is accomplished by exposing the data to a reporting solution that is accessible from anywhere on the Internet to provide dashboards, reports and alerts.